English Sentences related with Shopping

Read some useful sentences related with Shopping ( खरीददारी से सम्बंधित वाक्य  ) English Sentences of Daily Use रेहड़ी वाला ऊँची आवाज़ में चिला रहा है।- The hawker is shouting at the top of his voice. यह किताब धड़ाधड़ बिक

English Sentences related with Weather & Seasons

Every country and place has different weathers and seasons. In India, the weather is very hot in summer season and very cold in winter. It is pleasant in rainy season. In European and American countries, the winters are very harsh

Important English Sentences Related with Health

In this article, we are providing Sentences related with health. In life time, everyone of us has health  issues. Almost every day we have one or other health related problem that forces us to go to the doctor. Therefore, the