How to change Narration of Imperative Sentences – Read rules along with the Practice Set/ Solution –

In the last blog we had changed the Reported Speech of Interrogative sentences and Sentences with W-H Interrogatives. Now we will change the Narration of Imperative Sentences.
Imperative sentences are those which contain the sense of Request, Command, etc and always begin with the main verb. The subject ‘You’ is always implied.
Simple Imperative :
I said to him ” Please, go to the market .”
Rule No 1 – The Reporting verb will be changed as per the sense contained in the Reported Speech.
If there is the sense of Request, we will change said to into – requested
Order – said to in to – ordered
If the sense is not clear then we shall convert said into – told or asked etc.
I told him ….
Rule No 2 – Inverted commas are replaced by ‘ to ‘.
I requested him to …
Rule No 3. The rest of the reported speech will come as it is.
I requested him to go to the market.
Negative Imperative :-
I said to him,” Don’t open the door,please.”
Rules are almost same as in the Simple Imperative except ‘not’ which we insert in the negative imperative before ‘to‘ while replacing inverted commas. We also use forbade while replacing said to when there is the sense other than request/advice etc. Forbade is itself a negative word. It will not take the word not after it.
I requested him not to open the door.
Practice Set for Imperative Sentences with Solution below
- She said to me ” Go to the market at once .”
- I said to him ,” Open the gate.”
- Ram said to Shyam,” Please help me.”
- Kinjal said to Rudra,” Don’t waste your time.”
- Rudra said to Kinjal,” Don’t take tea at night.”
- I said to him, ” Don’t read my book.”
- The master said to his servant,” Bring me a glass of water at once.”
- She said to me, ” Kindly close the window.”
- Ram said to me,” Don’t do this again. “
- She asked me to go to the market at once.
- I asked him to open the gate.
- Ram requested Shyam not to waste his time.
- Kinjal advised Rudra not to waste his time.
- Rudra advised Kinjal not to take tea at night.
- I forbade him to read my book.
- The master ordered his servant to bring him glass of water at once.
- She requested me to close the window.
- Ram forbade me to do that again.
In my next blog, I will come up with new topic of grammar.
Learn other topics of grammar :
Father said, “Do as I do”.
Father advised/suggested to do as he did.
Father forbade to do as he did.
dont chane the tense
Father suggested that di
Father ordered to do as he do
Father said to do as he do
Father advised do as he do
She said to me,” i like him,don’t i?
Plz its wanted a solution ☺️
She asked me if I liked him.
She asked me that she loves him didnt she
She asked me if she liked me.
She told me that she liked me and asked if she did not.
She asked me if she like me or not.
Its solution is wrong.
yes you’re right
Mother said,”Listen to your elders”
Please if you got the notification do it fast for me please
The mother advised me ( you can suppose any obj ) to listen to my elders.
Mother advised me ( You can suppose any object ) to listen my elders
He said to me, ” Please, give mea pen, will you?”
He requested me to give him a pen would you
He request me to please give me your pen .
He requested me to give him a pen and asked if I would.
He said, “Could I use your phone?”
he request could I use your phone
He asked me to use my phone.
He asked if he could use my phone.
He asked the person (me, him, her) if he could use my/his/her phone.
She said, ” lete do your work”
She suggested me to do my work
Srijit said the teacher,” Write a letter”.
Surjit asked the teacher to write a letter.
Srijit asked the teacher to write a letter.
Srijit requested the teacher to write a letter.
The teacher said,”Don’t tell a lie”
The teacher advised/ asked/told not to tell a lie.
the teacher told that ”Didn’t tell a lie ”
The teacher forbade to tell a lie.
the teacher advised me not to tell a lie
The teacher asked not to tell a lie
The teacher forbade to tell a lie
The teacher advised to not to tell a lie.
The teacher advised not to tell a lie.
The teacher forbade to tell a lie .
She said,”Run fast or you will not win the race”.
Please give the indirect speech.
she advice to me run fast or i would not win the race
She advised me to run fast or I would not run the race
She advised to run fast or she would not win the race
Why tenses are not changed ?
When there is a universal/general truth.
I ordered him not to interfere.(change the narration)
I said to him,” Do not interfere.”
I ordered him to not to interfere
I said to him,” Do not interfere. “
“Let us discuss the topic “I said
I suggested that we should discuss the topic.
I want the exercise of assertive sentence direct indirect
Assertive sentence exercises:-
1) Rohit Said, “My brother has given me the chain”
2) He said , ” You must go there”
3) He said ,” They will come tomorrow”
4) Amit said,” I am sad with dad”
5) parul cried,” I want the dinner “
Rahul said that his brother had given him the chain.
He said that you must go there.
He said that they would come the next day.
Amit said that he was sad with dad.
Parul cried that he wanted the dinner.
He said that they would come the day after
Amit said that he was sad with dad Parul
The passenger said to the tte. “let me have some minutes to search for the tickets “
The passenger suggested to the TTE that he/ she should have some minutes for the tickets.
The passenger asked the tte politely that he/she might be allowed to have some minutes to search the tickets.
He said to his brother ,”please work hard to pass.”
He requested his brother to work hard to pass.
He advised his brother to work hard
“Let Sohan read,” said the teacher.
The teacher suggested Sohan that they should read.
why they???
can u explain?
The teacher suggested them that sohan should read.
The teacher said that Sohan should read.
The teacher suggested to let Sohan read
She said to her friend, ” Shut up , don’t say more
She asked her friend to shut up and not to say more.
Let me go out for a walk
I requested if I might go out for a walk.
Why for ?
My teacher said to me,” Tell us to read a book.”
Please check the sentence again.
My teacher told me to told them to read a book.
My teacher said to me ,” Tell them to read a book.”
The teacher asked me to read a book
The teacher said to me ,” Read a book .”
My teacher said.’stop being naughty and finish your work
Change to indirect speech
My teacher told me to stop being naughty and finish my work.
My teacher ordered me to told us to read a book
My teacher said to me,” Tell them to read a book .”
But answer key of HTET accepts the 1st option . I think asked is also equally acceptable. What do u think sir?
But answer key of HTET set E question no 61 shows the opposite sir. Is there be any chance of grace?
My mother said to me, " DOn't go to the park."
1) My mother told me not to go tO the Park.
2) My mother asked me not to go to the park.
Sir plz tell me which indirect speech is right.
The second one is better.
Sir why forbade is not used
Yes , we can use forbade too and using “requested ” instead of forbade doesn’t make any difference but when we use ” requested ” then we have to use “not”in the sentence ….
I hope it is helpful
1st one
2 indirect speech is right