Use of Adverb – Definition, Types and Examples

Adverb is a very important English Grammar Topic for any of the competitive Exams. In most of the exams, it becomes the part of Common Errors topic. Still there are individuals questions on this topic. Before you start doing the use of Adverbs, you must do its definition in order to grasp this topic quite easily.

Definition of Adverb –

A word that qualifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb is called an Adverb. In Hindi it is called क्रिया विशेषण . The Word is the combination of Adjective and Verb with prefix from the former and the whole part of the latter.

See Examples –

1. Rudra is a very intelligent boy.

2. Kinjal runs fast.

3. Kinjal runs very fast.

The bold letters in the above sentences, the bold words are adverbs. In the first sentence very modifies the adjective intelligent, in the second fast modifies the verb runs and in the third the word very modifies the adverb fast and fast modifies the verb runs.

Kinds of Adverbs –

  1. Adverbs of Time – Today, tomorrow, yesterday, last night, last day, just, ago, daily etc.
  2. Adverbs of Place – Here, there, hither, thither, out, in. anywhere, nowhere etc.
  3. Number – Once, twice, thrice, never, firstly, secondly etc.
  4. Adverbs of Quantity – Very, too, rather, fairly etc.
  5. Adverbs of Manner – Hard, Fast, Slowly, Bravely, Wisely, loudly, so, clearly, well, lovingly, fluently etc.
  6. Reason – Therefore, Hence, Consequently.
  7. Adverbs of Affirmation  and negation – Indeed, Surely, Not, Yet, Yes, No etc.
  8. Interrogative Adverbs – When, where, how long, whence, whither, how many times, why, how etc
  9. Relative Adverbs – When Interrogative Adverbs are used to connect two sentences, they become relative adverbs. There are two relative adverbs – Relative Adverb Explicit and Relative Adverb Implicit. Example – This is the place where he was born (Explicit ). and This is where he was born ( Implicit).

Kinds of Interrogative Adverbs –

  1. Interrogative Adverbs of Time – When, how long
  2. Interrogative Adverbs of Place – Where, whence, whither
  3. Int Adverbs of Number – How many, how often etc
  4. Interrogative Adverbs of Manner – How, In what way etc.
  5. Int Adverbs of Quantity – How much, how far etc.
  6. Interrogative Adverbs of Reason – Why, where etc.

Use of Enough –

1.  When Enough is used in the sense of Much, it is used after the positive degree of Adjective and Adverb.

e.g. She is beautiful enough to catch the attention of the young people.

2. When enough is used in the sense of Sufficient, it is used before a Noun as an Adjective –

e.g. He has earned enough money.

3. If noun is followed by To + V1 or for + noun or pronoun, enough is used after the noun –

e.g. We have time enough to reach there.

Adverbs of Frequency like Always, Never, Often, Ever, Frequently etc are used before the verbs they have to modify.

e.g. The Sun always sets in the west.

We sometime go to temple with our grandfather.

Use of Too –

Too is a negative word and always take to with it.

e.g. She is too weak to go.

Note – Too — to can be substituted by so —— that.

e.g. She is so weak that she can not walk.

Use of Enough –

As an adverb, we use enough after the adjective it modifies.

e.g She is wise enough to understand your problem.

We shall give you some more use of Adverbs along with their positions in our next blog whose links shall be attached with this post. Since then prepare these rules above and also keep visiting us for more updates.

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