Common Error Sentences related with Pronouns with Solution

Check some of the sentences which are related with Pronouns. First of all you must know about the Pronoun and its Types. Then read about Reflexive Pronouns from here. These definitions/rules may help you in doing the exercise below.

We hope that these sentences may be important for the exams by SSC, Banking etc. Not only we have provided the exercise but we have given the solution as well.

Common Errors – Sentences related with Pronouns –

1. It is me who am guilty.

2. I found it to be he.

3. You, he and me are friends.

4. He invited you and I to the party.

5. Yours college is very good.

6. I don’t like this friend of your.

7. She prefers my company to your.

8. You, I and he will visit the place. ( Check Rule Below)

9. I, she and you are criminals. ( Check Rule Below)

10. The jury has given its decision.

11. The jury is divided over their decision.

12. Every boy and girl should complete their task on time.

Common Errors ( Pronouns) Answers with Solution

Answers – 1. It is I who am guilty ( We shall use the nominative case here) 2. to be him ( Objective Case) 3. You, he and I ( Subjective Cases) 4. you and me ( both objective cases) 5. Your college…6. this friend of yours 7. my company to yours ( your company) 8. You, he and I ( Second Person followed by Third and First – 231) 9. I, you and she ( 1st Person followed by 2nd and 3rd – 123) 12. his/her task

Rule for 8 and 9 Points –

When two or more than two pronouns came in a sentence, we use them in the sequence of 231.

But if there is the sense of guilt, crime, sin ( bad sense), the sequence is 123.

Rules for 10 and 11 Points –

If the words like Army, Jury, Crew, Committee, Fleet etc show the unity in action, we take them as singular and use singular verb and pronouns ( Sentence No. 10).

But if they show division in their unity or action, we consider them  plural and use plural verb and plural pronouns (Sentence No 11).

Rule for Sentence no 12-

When we use two or more nouns with Each or Every, we consider them as singular and take singular pronoun / common pronoun.

In case there are male and female nouns, we must use his/her as pronoun. In the past his was used.

But now it is considered the sexist term and has been replaced by his/her. Somewhere common pronoun ‘they’ is also used.

Select Nouns and Pronouns from the following sentences

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