Use of Determiners – Types and Practice Sets

Learn the definition/ Use of Determiners along with its types and Practice sets – Definition of Determiners – Determiner is word that determines or limits the noun that follows it. For examples – This book, Some books, A few difficulties

Making Simple Sentence from other Sentences

Learn Making Simple Sentences Combining /Joining other Sentences – Simple Sentences in to one Sentence – Prepare with Examples – Important Words with Hindi meaning Prepare complete Grammar from here. 1. The hunters saw a lion. They ran away. Seeing

Rules of Active and Passive Voice with examples

Active and Passive Voice is an integral part of any of the exams, whether you are taking Board Exam, Non-Board Exam or any Competitive Exams held by Staff Selection Commission, IBPS, Railways, FCI and States’ Recruitment Boards. As you know

Use of Articles A, An,The – Remove Common Errors is trying to cover all the Topics of English Grammar for the Competitive Exams. After covering Prepositions, Narration, Tense and other  many topics, we are covering Articles now. The Articles are of two types – Definite and Indefinite. The

Use of Modals – Learn Modals for Competitive Exams

Modals ( should, would , can, could etc.) are very important for all the competitive and school exams. They are very important in speaking in expressing a speaker’s feelings, ideas, opinions etc. First of all the question is ” What

Narration for Competitive Exams – Exclamatory Sentences

Narration is the important part of English Grammar which shows an inevitable presence in all the Recruitment, Board and Entrance Exams. We have already done Narration with Interrogative Sentences and Narration with Imperative Sentences. Now in this article we will

Strategies to Verify Accuracy in Online Written Assignments

Assignments are an essential part of the academic process. Educators often give assignments to their students as a part of the assessment process. These assignments are intended to evaluate communication skills, research capability, and writing ability. Better grade points are