First of all we congratulate all those fortunate people who have cleared the Staff Selection Commission held Combined Graduate Level Exam for Tier I for the Result was declared a couple of days ago.

After a bit of celebration, now they must focus on the second step the Selection and i.e. CGL Tier 2 Exam. As there is not much gap between the Tier I exam Result and Tier 2 Exam, the candidates are left with a little time to prepare for this most important exam.
They keep running from pillar to post, from one coaching institute to another one but in the end they receive frustration as nobody is there to solve their problem. In this article we have prepared some of the tips which may be quite helpful in clearing the upcoming Tier II Exam.
Preparation Tips for SSC CGL Mains Exam
Before going ahead with the preparation tips, we are here to inform you as what shall be the syllabus and exam pattern for the said exam.
Dear readers, there shall be only two subjects on which you have to focus. So it is a matter of great comfort that you will get liberation from other two subjects which you had faced in the Tier I Exam.
The two subjects are – the queen of all languages English and the queen of all subjects Mathematics. This exam will be of 400 marks – 200 for English. Equal marks of Mathematics but the difference is that in the former you will have 200 questions ( 1 Q = 1 M ) and in the latter 100 questions ( 1Q = 2 Ms ).
Check Last Years’ Question Papers –
It is necessary to check the Previous Years’ Papers for having idea of the exam. They will certainly help you in getting more confidence and marks. Click on the following links for Solved Question Papers –
SSC CGL Oct 2015 English Paper
First of all how to prepare for English –
In English you will have the following topics – Active and Passive Voice, Direct and Indirect Speech, Preposition, Modals, Common Errors, Comprehension, Vocabulary ( Synonyms, Antonyms, One word Substitution etc.).
Start doing practice of these topics one by one. Don’t be in a hurry. Don’t leave any topic incomplete. There are many books of Competitive English you can rely upon. Some of the books we can prescribe for you – Lucent’s, Aggarwal’s, Upkar Publications’ English Grammar Book and so many other publications.
Focus on Mathematics –
This portion is time consuming. The topics will be as they were in the First exam ( Tier I ). But here you will get them in more nos and with bigger complexity.
So try to solve all the questions on your notebooks with all the short-cut methods. Focus on some very important topics such as Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Work, Numerical Order etc.
Last but not the least the most important thing is the self-confidence. Never let your self-confidence die. It will be the main key to your success. A lot depends on your hard work and the rest on your luck. So best of luck.