Objective Type Questions From A House is Not a Home

Prepare very short questions or objective type questions with answers from A House is Not a Home by Zan Gaudioso – Useful links – Based on NCERT pattern from the book Moments of 9th class

A House is not Home at examweb.in

Q. Who has written the story A House is Not a Home ?

Answer – Zan Gaudioso

Q. Where had the writer taken admission ?

Answer – High school

Q. What did the writer miss ?

Answer – His old school

Q. How was his first year in the new school ?

Answer – Awkward

Q. Whose room was on fire ?

Answer – The writer’s

Q. Where do the writer and his mother spend night ?

Answer – Grandparents’ house

Q. Where does the mother drop the box ?

Answer – In the lawn

Q. What does that metal box contain ?

Answer – Important documents

Q. Who saved the mother ?

Answer – The firemen

Q. Why does the author run to the neighbours ?

Answer – To call the fire brigade

Q. How long does the fire overcome ?

Answer – After five hours

Q. Why does the writer cry ?

Answer – Because the cat was missing

Q. Who does not let him in ?

Answer – The fireman

Q. Where did the writer borrow tennis shoes ?

Answer – From his aunt

Q. Where did the writer and his mother borrow money from ?

Answer – From his grandparents

Q. Who had given the cat to the author ?

Answer -A kind lady

Q. Who had given school supplies, notebooks and all kinds of different clothes to the author ?

Answers – Strangers

Q. What is the meaning of teenagers ?

Answer – Between the age of thirteen and nineteen

Q. What is the meaning of gratitude ?

Answer – Thankfulness

Q. What is the meaning of weird ?

Answer – Strange

Q. What is the meaning of zombie ?

Answer – A dull and sad person

For objective type questions with complete solution from A House is not a Home written by Zan Gaudioso, you are welcome here. These questions are very good for 9th class students. We shall also edit this post/ add some questions to this post later.

Good luck for your exam.

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