Very Short Questions from Lost Spring by Anees Jung

Prepare Objective Type / Very Short Questions from the story ” Lost Spring ” by Anees Jung- From 12th Class Book ( Flamingo ) – Based on NCERT for HBSE, CBSE and other boards

Lost Spring

Q. Who is the writer of the story ” Lost Spring ” ?

Answer – Anees Jung

Q. From which book has the excerpt been taken ?

Answer – Lost Spring, Stories of Stolen Childhood

Q. When and where was the writer born ?

Answer – In 1964 in Rourkela and spent her childhood and adolescent in Hyderabad

Q. There are two parts of the story. Name them.

Answer – 1st Part – Sometimes I find a Rupee in the garbage.

2nd part – I want to drive a car.

Q. Whom does the writer speak in the first part ?

Answer – Saheb and his friends

Q. What is the full name of Saheb ?

Answer – Saheb-e- Alam

Q. Where has Saheb come from ?

Answer – Dhaka ( Bangladesh )

Q. What is the meaning of his name ?

Answer – Lord of the Universe

Q. What are the boys not wearing ?

Answer – Chappals ( Footwear )

Q. Where does a man of the story belong to ?

Answer – Udipi

Q. What is the boy’s father in the story ?

Answer – A priest

Q. What is the occupation of Saheb and his friends ?

Answer – Ragpicking

Q. Where does the Saheb’s family live in India ?

Answer – Seemapuri ( on the periphery of Delhi )

Q. When had they come to India ?

Answer – In 1971

Q. How many ragpickers live there  ?

Answer – Around 10,000.

Q. What is more important for them for survival ?

Answer – Food

Q. Which game is Saheb watching ?

Answer – Lawn Tennis

Q. Where is Saheb working ?

Answer – At the tea-stall

Q. Which place is famous for bangles ?

Answer – Firozabad ( UP )

Q. What does Mukesh want to become ?

Answer – Motor mechanic

Q. What business does Mukesh’s family do ?

Answer – They make bangles

Q. How many children work in bangle industry ?

Answer – Around 20,000.

Q. When the writer visit Mukesh’s house, whom does she confront ?

Answer – Mukesh’s sister-in-law ( bhabhi )

Q. What is Mukesh’s sister-in-law cooking that time ?

Answer – She is preparing evening meal. Spinach leaves are boiling in a large vessel.

Q. How was Mukesh’s grandfather got blind ?

Answer – By the powder of the glass

Q. Had Mukesh and his brother ever been to school ?

Answer – No

Q. What do they have what the most of the people don’t have ?

Answer – House

For such Very Short Questions, keep coming.

Latest Comments

  1. The questions and answers should be read in full. It means very well

  2. Good question answer

  3. Its pretty good….it will helpful for me.

  4. Good questions and answers

  5. Questions and answers good

  6. question and answer is good


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